Fire/Emergency Safety
In case of FIRE OR GAS LEAK, call 911
In general, occupants should:
- Know how to alarm occupants of building, know where all exits are located.
- Call North Bay Fire & Emergency Services immediately (9-1-1) whenever you need assistance.
- Know the correct address of the building.
- Notify the building management if special assistance is required in the event of an emergency.
- Know the fire alarm signals and the procedures established to implement safe evacuation.
- Read and follow the manufacturers smoke alarm ( and CO detector if applicable) instructions, available from property management.
- Report any fire hazard to property management.
To avoid fire hazards in the building, occupants must:
- Avoid unsafe cooking practices: deep fat frying, too much heat, or unattended stoves.
- Avoid careless smoking. Never smoke in bed.
- Never leave anything that may burn or cause a trip hazard in the halls, corridors or stairways.
- Always clean out clothes dryer lint collector before and after use. Residents of houses using their own clothes dryer should only use an approved metal vent hose.
- Do not use unsafe electrical appliances, frayed cords, over-loaded outlets or extension cords as a permanent source of wiring.
- Keep electric baseboard heaters completely clear of close contact with drapes, bedding, furniture, debris, etc. as these heat sources become extremely hot and could potentially ignite items in close range or contact with the heaters.
- Never bring flammable/combustible liquids/gases into your residence or storage room.
• Be familiar with the floor area, exits, and location of firefighting equipment.
• Assist the fire warden in emergency evacuation procedures, as requested.
• Evacuate to the designated muster point for emergency roll call.
• Participate in fire drills and emergency evacuation drills.
• Report hazards.
• If you are unable to descend the stairs due to a mobility limitation or other reason, advise the person nearest to you that you are a PRA.
• The fire department will assess your safety based on the location of the emergency and will assess whether you require assistance in evacuating.
• If your life will be in danger by not evacuating, then you should be evacuated via the exit stairwells under the supervision of a rescuer and with the help of as many people as necessary to remove you from immediate danger.
• See Attachment E for the PRA notice to provide to building management.
• Activate building fire alarm system. Remain clam and prepare to evacuate.
• Never try to fight a fire unless you have been trained to use a fire extinguisher; if you have been trained, you should only use the fire extinguisher in the very early stages of the fire.
• Leave the area immediately and remove any persons in immediate danger.
• Close the doors to the affected area.
• Use the stairways (NOT the elevators); if you encounter smoke, then use the alternate stairway.
• Exit from the building via the nearest exit when the alarm sounds (emergency exit floor plan). Meet at the muster point.
• Call 911 and advise them of your building location and floor number.
• Do not return to your floor until the All Clear Announcement is made.
• Assume emergency evacuation.
• Alert occupants and leave the fire area; take the suite key if it is readily available.
• Before opening any doors, feel the door and doorknob for heat. If they are not hot, brace yourself against the door and open it slightly. If they are hot, use an alternate exit.
• If you see smoke or feel air pressure or a hot draft, close the door quickly and look for an alternative exit or route.
• Evacuate via the stairwells, and do not flow or stop the flow.
• Follow the wall to the nearest exit and leave the building.
• Stay away from the building in case debris falls from the building.
• Proceed to the Business's muster point.
• Use the appropriate building exit and report to the muster point for roll call.
• Do not return to the building until the All Clear Announcement is made.
• Return to an office and close the door.
• Seal off all cracks or other openings through which smoke may enter the room.
• If water is available, dampen a cloth and breathe through it to filter out smoke and gases.
• Call 911 and alert them of your address and floor.
• Wait to be rescued and remain calm.
Please be familiar with your Apartment Buildings Meeting Place.
These are the locations occupants are to assemble immediately after leaving building during evacuation.
- occupants of "West View Apartments" assemble in the parking lot at the recycle bins. Area of refuge if shelter is necessary: lobbies of apartments across the street.
- occupants of "Wendian Place Apts." assemble in the back parking lot at the garbage bin. Area of refuge if shelter is necessary: Wickstead Woods Apts. 420 Wickstead Ave.
- occupants of 420 & 432 "Wickstead Woods Apts." assemble at side of Malmac Office. Area of refuge if shelter is necessary: lobbies of other onsite Wickstead Woods apts.
- occupants of 444 & 462 "Wickstead Woods Apts." assemble in parking lot at garbage bins. Area of refuge if shelter is necessary: lobbies of other onsite Wickstead Woods apts.
- occupants of 474 & 486 "Wickstead Woods Apts." assemble in parking lot at garbage bin. Area of refuge if shelter is necessary: lobbies of other onsite Wickstead Woods apts.
- occupants of "Algonquin Lofts" assemble at Algonquin entrance of St Andrew's Church next door. Area of refuge if shelter is necessary: lobby of Days Inn & Suites (340 Main West).
• Shout for help. Get the attention of others on the floor. Call for the first aid provider.
• If you are a trained first aid provider, then go to the location of the emergency to assist as needed.
• Call 911, if necessary.
• If your assistance has not been requested, then stand back and make room for the paramedics to come.
• Drop, cover, and hold on: drop to the floor, take cover under a sturdy desk or table, and firmly hold on.
• Stay away from windows and glass. Do not stand in doorways.
• Stay covered for 30 seconds after the occurrence.
• Be cautious when leaving because of possible exposed electrical wires, broken glass, and unstable walls, ceiling, and fixtures.
• Assist those who may be injured or trapped if safe to do so.
• Do not exit the building unless told to do so.
• Protect all essential documentation and material by placing them on an elevated service. If feasible, erect barriers to stop or reduce the flow of water.
• Follow instructions from the voice communication system.
• Do not cross heavy currents.
• Do not use any electrical outlets or equipment. There may be short circuits due to damaged installation.
• Avoid unprotected electric cables.
• Do not use elevators.
• Find a safe place and, if possible, hide out of the shooter's view in a room with a lock on the door.
• Barricade/block the entry to your hiding place.
• Lay on the floor away from the door and behind a sturdy object.
• Silence your cell phone.
• Call 911 when safe to do so.
Fire Safety Systems Testing
Residents of Malmac Apartment Buildings are protected with modern fire detection and alarm systems. Monthly testing of these systems are required by the "Office of the Fire Marshall" and implemented by our Maintenance Department, while comprehensive annual tests are conducted by "Superior Safety" of North Bay.
Participation in your buildings annual "Fire Drill" is encouraged. It is important for all residents to understand and be familiar with all Fire Safety features associated with the apartment building. Our office welcomes any questions or concerns related to your buildings Fire Safety systems and procedures.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarm at Mechanical Room
A CO alarm is located in the ground floor hallway outside all apartment building "Mechanical Rooms". If you discover this device is signaling "Service" (one beep) please alert the Malmac Office promptly. If the device is signaling a "Hazardous Condition" (4 Beeps), move to fresh air and call 911 immediately. A description of the "alarm signals" is printed on the face of the device.
Apartment Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarms
If your dwelling has been provided with a CO alarm, please become familiar with the unit by reading the manufacturers manual provided with the alarm. If you require a replacement manual, please contact our office. Malmac staff will inspect all CO alarms annually while testing smoke detectors.
Alarm Operation & Maintenance tips
- If the Alarm indicates the presence of Carbon Monoxide MOVE TO FRESH AIR & CALL 911.
- Read instructions on the alarm to become familiar with alerts to the "presence of Carbon Monoxide" or the "requirement of service" to the Alarm Unit. (ie: battery replacement or alarm replacement)
- Read the manual for your CO alarm for complete instructions.
- Change the batteries twice a year or whenever prompted by a "service signal".
- Test your alarm weekly by pushing the "test/reset" button.
- Keep alarm clean. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean openings & wipe surface with damp cloth.
Battery Operated Smoke Alarms
Every Malmac unit is provided with at least one battery operated smoke alarm. Please read the owners manual for these devices, to become familiar with operation and maintenance. Replacement manuals are available at the Malmac Office.
Annual access to your dwelling will be required with appropriate notification, for inspection and testing of these devices. Apartment door closures and CO alarm tests will also be conducted during the smoke alarm inspections.
Alarm Operation & Maintenance tips
- Change the batteries twice a year or whenever alerted by a "low battery warning chirp" sound from the smoke alarm.
- Test your smoke alarm weekly. Push test button & hold it down for a minimum of 2 seconds. This will sound the alarm if the electronic circuitry, horn and battery are working. If no alarm sounds the unit has defective batteries or other failure. Erratic or low sound coming from your alarm may indicate a defective smoke alarm, and it should be replaced immediately.
- Keep alarm clean. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean openings & wipe surface with a damp cloth.
Your Safety is our #1 priority!
Please become familiar with the fire safety information pertaining to your residence.
Carbon Monoxide Alarm Manuals
Smoke Alarm Manuals